
Healing of fear of driving

Mrs U. G. (55), Cologne (Germany)

All my life I had had a terrible fear of being driven in a car. As soon as I got into a car I was so tense that I had a headache and a backache. Over the years this fear intensified so I avoided car travel whenever possible.

After I had started to absorb the healing stream, in July 1989, my fear began to lessen and after six months it was completely gone. Now I am without tension and enjoy travelling by car.

Healing of fear of swimming

Mrs M. A. (42), Memmingen (Germany)

For several years I was afraid to swim; I was even afraid to take a bath and panicked when I stepped into the tub.

In the summer of 1988 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Without my realising it, my fears disappeared. Today I enjoy swimming and bathing. (EB 048.91).

Healing of fear of crowds

Mrs U. G. (56), Cologne (Germany)

From 1986 I suffered from a condition of anxiety, especially if I was in a crowd or a department store, when I would begin to sweat. Inwardly I was very tense and aggressive. I could not concentrate on anything.

In June 1989 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. When next I went through a department store, I suddenly realised that I was no longer anxious. Today I am able to shop quite peacefully and have an easy-going relationship with other people.

Healing of fear of opaque waters

Mr B. P. (28), Wegberg (Germany)

Although I am a very strong swimmer, I was afraid of any opaque waters which are in canals, gravel pits, etc. and which I could not see through. I was very depressed that I would never be able to rescue anybody from such waters.

After I found my way to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in June 1987, this fear progressively diminished until, one month later it was completely gone and to date has never recurred.




Grete Häusler-Verlag

グレーテ・ホイスラー出版社: 書籍、冊子、CD、DVD、カレンダーなどが豊富に揃っています


科学者による言葉: ブルーノ・グルーニングの教えに対する興味深い視点