Healing of parkinson's disease

Mrs T. D. (73), Bremen (Germany)

In September 1990 my arms began to shake continuously so that I could not even perform small tasks. The medical diagnosis was Parkinson's disease. The prescribed medication did not help me much.

In March 1991 I came across the teachings of Bruno Gröning. I felt the healing stream immediately and, on the morning following my introduction, the shaking in my arms was gone. This spontaneous healing continues to date.


الفيلم الوثائقي
Bruno Gröning”

مواعيد عرض الفيلم في العديد من المدن عالميا

Grete Häusler-Verlag

دار نشر Grete Häusler: عرض كبير لكتب ومجلات وأقراص CD و DVD وتقاويم


فرصة التعبير للعلماء: جوانب جديرة بالاهتمام عن تعاليم برونو غرونينغ