Healing from Alcoholism and depression

John Leiker, USA

John Leiker was an alcoholic for 35 years and drank 17 bottles of beer a day. He suffered from severe depression and tried to end his life twice. His condition was hopeless. At a lecture about the teaching of Bruno Gröning, he experienced a spontaneous and permanent healing from alcoholism. Six months later he felt a strong power which flowed from his legs to his head and freed him of all mental health problems.


Документальный фильм: «Феномен
Бруно Грёнинга»

Даты показа фильма во многих городах мира

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Издательство Грете Хойслер: Большой выбор книг, журналов, компакт-дисков, DVD и календарей


Учёные говорят: Интересные точки зрения на Учение Бруно Грёнинга