Healing from Alcoholism and depression

John Leiker, USA

John Leiker was an alcoholic for 35 years and drank 17 bottles of beer a day. He suffered from severe depression and tried to end his life twice. His condition was hopeless. At a lecture about the teaching of Bruno Gröning, he experienced a spontaneous and permanent healing from alcoholism. Six months later he felt a strong power which flowed from his legs to his head and freed him of all mental health problems.


"O Fenômeno
Bruno Gröning"

filme exibido em muitas cidades ao redor do mundo

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler Editora: Uma grande variedade de livros, revistas, CDs, DVDs e calendários


Os cientistas com a palavra: aspectos interessantes dos Ensinamentos de Bruno Gröning