Healing from high blood pressure, arthritis and urinary incontinence

Olympiada Nikolajewna Odinokowa (70), Odessa (Ukraine)

Olympiada Nikolajewna Odinokowa (70) Odessa (Ukraine)In 1961 the doctors diagnosed me with arthritis (osteochondrosis) and a damaged vertebral disk in the lumbar spine. I had severe pain every day with cramps, weakness and numbness in my legs. Later I also became incontinent (was unable to hold back my urine). I could no longer cook or wash. I managed the other housework only with the greatest effort.

Additional ailments followed

From 1975 on I suffered from high blood pressure. At times of crisis I had readings of up to 250/120 mm Hg. The side effects were especially unpleasant - headache, nausea and dizziness. My medication bag became my best friend. My day began with the counting out of tablets and drops. In 1984 and 1998 I suffered severe cardiac infarctions. After that I had an irregular heartbeat. My pulse would swing between 40 and 120 beats per minute. I could do nothing about it except endure it. An oedema developed in my legs. I had constant difficulty in breathing. Thus I could only walk 20 metres with two canes before I had to rest.

Everything changed in 1998

In the summer of 1998 I felt especially weak and only wanted to lie in bed. My body felt as if it were clamped in a vice. I didn't expect anything good from life any more and thought of suicide. I had come to the end of my tether when I learned of the teachings of Bruno Gröning.

Every day is a new gift

On November 7, 1998 I felt the Heilstrom very strongly during the introduction. From that day on I didn't need any more medication. I received a spontaneous healing from high blood pressure. Since then my readings have been between 140 / 70 and 145 / 80 mm Hg. My headaches are also gone. My heart rhythm has normalized at 64-68 beats per minute. During the following six months the pain in my legs and the lumbar spine disappeared. My difficulty in breathing and water in the legs are a thing of the past.

Physically fit in old age

Today I can again walk six to eight kilometres at a time. In addition, I do exercises every morning. I can also do my housework independently and without effort. I can even dance and feel younger than I did 30 years ago.

Medical commentary:

For almost 40 years, as a result of a severely damaged intervertebral disk - or perhaps even a herniated disk - she had chronic pain of the lumbar spine radiating into the legs, increasing emotional disturbances, weakness, and in the end even loss of control of her bladder. A further increase in the chronic symptomatology was to be expected. High blood pressure that had existed for decades and which could only be alleviated with difficulty through medication provided the basis for several cardiac infarctions. These led to a pronounced weakness of the heart, difficulty in breathing under exertion and water in the legs. From a medical point of view healing of these ailments was no longer to be expected. Experience has shown that such cases usually continue to worsen year by year. From a medical point of view I can give no explanation for the healings after the introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. One can only speak of a miracle here.
B. S., M. D., Berlin


الفيلم الوثائقي
Bruno Gröning”

مواعيد عرض الفيلم في العديد من المدن عالميا

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