Healing of hypotension (low blood pressure) and circulatory problems

Mrs B. K. (28), Nordenham (Germany)

For four years I suffered recurrently from low blood pressure (90/50) when it was hot and sultry, or when I worked in hothouses with high temperatures and humidity. Despite medication (Pholedrin-longo) to raise my blood pressure and relieve the resulting problems (nausea, dizziness, violent heart palpitations and tachycardia to the point of fainting) I was incapable of working during extended periods of hot weather.

Since my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning and my regular absorption of the healing stream I have no more problems. My blood pressure is now around 135/90 and I am able to enjoy the summer. I no longer need medication.


الفيلم الوثائقي
Bruno Gröning”

مواعيد عرض الفيلم في العديد من المدن عالميا

Grete Häusler-Verlag

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