Healings of acne

Healing of acne vulgaris

Mrs A. H. (25), Wegberg (Germany)

For 18 months I had severe acne, particularly on my face and neck. The doctors could do nothing for me and I was at my wits' end. My beautician established that three layers of skin were damaged and scarring remained.

Three weeks after I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in March 1989, no new pimples occurred and I could see my skin was healing. Two months later the condition had cleared totally and no scarring remained.


"O Fenômeno
Bruno Gröning"

filme exibido em muitas cidades ao redor do mundo

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler Editora: Uma grande variedade de livros, revistas, CDs, DVDs e calendários


Os cientistas com a palavra: aspectos interessantes dos Ensinamentos de Bruno Gröning