Healing of harm around the lips (herpes simplex)

B. E. (12), Hamburg (Germany)

At the age of one-and-a-half I had ulcerative stomatitis. Afterwards, while I was at kindergarten, I had herpes blisters about ten times a year and later about five times a year. When I was nine, so many blisters erupted in half a day that my upper and lower lips were completely covered in them and I had fever. I was prescribed Virudermin ointment. This healed the blisters more rapidly, but strong itching occurred several times a day, and with my lips covered in ointment I could only drink through a straw.

At the age of 11 I joined the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends for children and attended meetings regularly. Six months later my lips sudden became dry and somewhat taut. It was only then that I realised that since my introduction I had not had any more blisters. After a week my lips were soft and smooth and since then the blisters have not recurred. I give thanks from the bottom of my heart.


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