Physicians’ Point of View

Statements from doctors about healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning

dr-univ-med-f-g„As a general practitioner I became acquainted in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends with the possibility of healing on the spiritual path of illnesses declared incurable by orthodox medicine. We materially oriented people have lost our connection to the spiritual, to the soul, and to God. Now that we are gradually realizing that we can’t find salvation in matter (countless illnesses declared incurable by orthodox medicine exist despite increasing technical progress) we are beginning to seek again the roots of all life - the spiritual, God. We must learn again that spirit reigns over matter. Bruno Gröning, a simple man who nevertheless had a profound belief and knowledge, has brought us closer to the simplicity of healing on the spiritual path and thus to our origins. Anyone who is open and ready for it can utilize this opportunity without charge and completely without obligation. ‚You don’t have to believe what I say. I’m not asking you to do so. However, you do have the obligation to convince yourself.‘ (Bruno Gröning)“

Dr. UNIV. MED. F. G.

dr-med-dent-u-m„With an ever-growing number of people suffering from ever more complex syndromes, our reality today is determined on the one hand by a medical technology that, with its mania for getting things done, seems to regard the human being as nothing more than a body-machine in need of repair, and on the other hand by overall economic constraints. This is creating more and more insoluble conflict and is inevitably driving us doctors toward a new ethical orientation. It is here that Bruno Gröning shows us a new beginning. He taught us and gives us through his continuing - and overwhelming - activity living proof that true healing isn’t just a matter of ‚technology‘. Instead, it is made possible through a true ‚science of the heart‘ and a readiness for an inner turn-around. I have been able to convince myself of this through my own experience over several years despite - or indeed because of - my membership in a typical repair-oriented ‚trade‘.


dr-med-a-m„It is extremely important - especially for a doctor - to realize that the human being is more than a mere bundle of bones and muscles weighing a few pounds. On the contrary, the human being is a living unity of body, soul, and spirit with a divine essence as its center. This divine force in the center of the human being not only connects him with the highest principle; it also influences him on all levels, from physical well-being to spiritual well-being. All-embracing health is impossible without the strengthening of this spiritual connection and without the harmonization of body, soul, and spirit. It would be a big mistake to only define the human being on the physical level, forgetting the other important and subtle levels of mind and soul and ignoring the connection with the universal principle. The teaching of Bruno Gröning not only reminds us of our deep relationship with the universal energy; it also helps us to stabilize the harmony in our body, mind, and soul. Bruno Gröning’s principles can be compared with the Indian Vedicphilosophies, which also attached great importance to the strengthening of the subtle inner energies. For me, the teaching of Bruno Gröning is actually a systemized and understandable way to build up our inner energies and powers and bring our body, soul, and spirit in harmony.“

Dr. A. M. M.D.

dr-med-b-sThe teaching of Bruno Gröning has personally helped me to become free from illness. It helps people, as proven in the success reports of the Medical Scientific Group. There is no such thing as incurable; every illness can be cured. Through absorption of the Heilstrom, seekers of healing experience the connection to God and thus have the possibility to actively collaborate in their healing. ‚God is the greatest physician‘, said Bruno Gröning.“

B. S., M.D.

PROF DR F S„I am of the opinion that orthodox medicine and healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning don’t contradict one another. They complement one another. Yet there are some doctors who have little belief in this matter. They think that only orthodox medicine can help the sick and that spiritual healing isuseless. But I absolutely disagree with that because I think that the one helps the other. Sometimes, when the sick person no longer trusts in orthodox medical treatment, spiritual healing might help him more than orthodox medicine. It is my personal opinion as a scientist that the one doesn’t contradict the other; with proper application the one must assist the other.“

Medical University of Dujanbe, Tajikistan

dr-med-dent-r-w„Bruno Gröning is a guide. He directs me to my path and shows us how we can acquire wellness and thereby also salvation of the soul, as well. His path leads to God, regardless of religion, skin color or age. Since it costs nothing, it is affordable for everyone.“

Dr. MED. DENT. R. W.

 „A German colleague held a lecture here in the hospital about healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning. The medical director of our hospital had given the information to all the departments and then also personally invited us. And so we came. It was indeed something unusual that a German doctor had to come to us in India to enlighten us about the possibility of healing on the spiritual path. However, the skilful combination of medical facts and spiritual knowledge through the teaching of Bruno Gröning was indeed very impressive for all of us. I, too, perceived the force like a current flowing through my body. Since then I absorb the Heilstrom regularly. As a result of many good experiences, the teaching of Bruno Gröning has meanwhile taken on a special significance for me.“

Dr. R. Z. Gynecologist
Ahmedabad, India


الفيلم الوثائقي
Bruno Gröning”

مواعيد عرض الفيلم في العديد من المدن عالميا

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