Healing from chronic back pain

Danuta Piekarz (55), Warschau (Poland)


When I was 47 years old pain began that would not leave me for years. It began in the lower back, first sporadically and later more and more frequently. At 52 I got back pain every time I stood up or bent over. I also felt it when getting up in the morning and after walks that lasted more than half an hour. It was especially difficult for me when I had to stand during long bus trips, working in the kitchen or washing my hair. Since my legs were also heavy, walking became very strenuous for me. Because of these ailments it was torture for me to go shopping in big shopping centers where you move forward slowly and then have to stand in line at the checkout. I frequently had to stop to sit down and rest. My son helped me to carry the shopping bags and helped me walk by holding me under the arms.

Two years later the pain began to radiate into my legs. It was such unpleasant muscle pain, as if I had gone on a very strenuous run the day before or had done gymnastics. I forced myself with great effort to go on working. That led to a worsening of my emotional condition. I preferred to sit in a chair and stare into space. I always felt tired and it got worse year by year. Many years before a doctor had predicted after an x-ray examination that I would eventually suffer from continual back pain and would have to live with it. The doctors weren’t able to help me. From March 2007 on, the heaviness in my legs became so intense that it was as if they were sheathed in metal and dragging heavy metal balls. Any walking was a great challenge for me. And I felt guilty for neglecting my household duties.

On October 27, 2009 I finally stopped working and retired at 55 years of age.

Attending the Film with Pain

In November, a friend invited me to see the film "The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning - on the Tracks of the ’Miracle Healer.’" To go to the film showing on November 18, 2007, I first had to go to my friend’s house by public transportation and then drive further with her. On this day I felt particularly bad. Everything was very strenuous for me - walking, standing in the bus and then climbing the stairs to the first floor. Half way up I just wanted to give up and return home. Very tired, with severe pain in my back and thighs, without any hope and unhappy, I finally took my seat. At this time I knew nothing about Bruno Gröning. During the showing I was tortured by the pain in my spine and thighs. When I heard from the screen the words of a healed person citing Bruno Gröning, "Give me all the sickness," I, too, gave him my worries and suffering. I then got a severe headache, chills and fatigue. On this day the pain in my spine and thighs didn’t disappear. But the next day I noticed when getting up that my spine and thighs didn’t hurt any more and that my legs felt light. I had strength and vigor, and felt as if newly born. I couldn’t believe it - they were simply gone, as if I had never had the pain.

On November 19, 2007, a new life began for me. Since then I am filled with serenity and joy. I’m now catching up on everything, and not only on my housework. Besides cleaning, doing the laundry and cooking, I do my shopping and take long walks. I no longer avoid any physical work because everything is just a pleasure for me. I am grateful with all my heart to God and Bruno Gröning.

Medical commentary:

Ms. Piekarz had a chronic pain syndrome of the lumbar spine in the course of which a radicular pathology occurred with pain radiating into both legs. The causality is usually wear and tear of the intervertebral disks and vertebrae. The complaints usually increase with age. I cannot explain from a medical viewpoint the spontaneous healing after years of pain. A higher power must have been at work here. A very impressive report!


Η ταινία ντοκιμαντέρ:
«Το φαινόμενο Bruno Gröning»

Ημερομηνίες προβολών σε πολλές πόλεις παγκοσμίως

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Εκδόσεις Grete Häusler: Μεγάλη ποικιλία βιβλίων, περιοδικών, CD, DVD και ημερολογίων


Οι επιστήμονες έχουν το λόγο: Ενδιαφέρουσες απόψεις της διδασκαλίας του Μπρούνο Γκρένινγκ