Healing from drug addiction

I. H. (38), Trier (Germany)

Ilona Hein (38), Trier (Deutschland)After the death of my companion in 1991, I began to smoke more and more hashish. After a while I was smoking up to eight grams a day. From 1992 on, I occasionally also took speed and LSD. I began to consume heroin and cocaine early in 1993, shooting heroine regularly. It increased to about one gram of heroin a day. Since I didn't have anywhere near enough money I sold my body at a private address.

Pregnancy - withdrawal - relapse

I became pregnant in 1995 and made two outpatient withdrawals. When my daughter was four days old I had a relapse. I waited nine months for a new treatment and during that time became totally dependent on heroin again. I needed about 300 DM daily, which I earned by streetwalking. During the therapy I had - among other problems - a heroin relapse and was released as "dependent".

In spite of Methadone program, strong craving remains

In early 1998 I started participation in a methadone program for two and a half years. The initial dose was between five and seven mg daily. Nevertheless, I still had cravings. In September, 2000 I met a man who dealt with hashish and was able to supply me with large quantities of it. So the addiction was transferred from heroin to hashish. After that came the next relapse to heroin.

A desperate search for help

Completely desperate, I sought a way out of the addiction in February, 2000. Over the Internet I came across the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends and was introduced on March 10, 2001. During the introduction itself I experienced peace and calm in my head and felt a soft current in my body. Three days later I stopped smoking hashish.

Many things in my life were regulated

Around two months later I ran into "the old crowd" once again and was soon smoking hashish again. But I needed less of it and was able to quit for up to four weeks. During this time many things were regulated for the better in my life. For example, I stopped complaining about my life and made peace with my past.

Finally healing

After about six months the desire to smoke pot had disappeared. Since November 24, 2001 I have been free from all drugs. My daughter and I lead an orderly life. For the first time in my life I know the meaning of happiness in life.

Medical commentary:

For over ten years Ilona Hein suffered from polyvalent drug abuse (polyvalent: where different addictive substances are consumed) in the form of hashish, LSD, and stimulants as well as heroin and methadone, and including intravenous use. The drug dependence and related living conditions led to a deep depression and withdrawal from society. Various outpatient and inpatient withdrawal treatments and methadone substitution (supportive treatment with methadone, a substitute for heroin) were unable to free her from the drug consumption.

After introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning and contact with the Heilstrom, Ms. H perceived an immediate change in her perception of life and saw for the first time a positive perspective. Her depression disappeared as well. During a period of transition she began moderate use of hashish and was depressed, but this led to a complete liberation from drugs and to psychological and social stability.

This course is extraordinary and impresses me as a physician. Normally after frequent therapeutic failures a further dependence with all its serious consequences would have been expected.

G. F., M. D.



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