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Information lecture “There is no incurable!”

A path to health for body and soul

Doctors, psychologists, and other specialists from the Medical-Scientific Group, together with experienced speakers from the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, regularly hold information lectures about healing on the spiritual path.

  • Healed people report how they became healthy
  • Professionals present medically-documented healings
  • Speakers convey Bruno Gröning’s knowledge in such a way that everyone can experience his statement, “There is no incurable!”
  • Admission is free

Find a lecture in your area:

13359 Berlin · 2024-09-14

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 9 сарын 14, Бямба гариг, 19:00
place Kontakt: 0331-810991

13359 Berlin
person Arzt

13359 Berlin · 2024-09-15

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 9 сарын 15, Ням гариг, 15:00
place Kontakt: 0331-810991

13359 Berlin
person Arzt

27801 Dötlingen · 2024-10-26

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 10 сарын 26, Бямба гариг, 15:00
place Kontakt: 04431-9485562,

27801 Dötlingen

34414 Warburg · 2024-08-07

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 8 сарын 7, Лхагва гариг, 19:30
place Kontakt: 0174 9182909

34414 Warburg

34414 Warburg · 2024-10-02

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 10 сарын 2, Лхагва гариг, 19:30
place Kontakt: 0174 9182909

34414 Warburg

34414 Warburg · 2024-12-04

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 12 сарын 4, Лхагва гариг, 19:30
place Kontakt: 0174 9182909

34414 Warburg

35396 Gießen-Wieseck · 2024-11-06

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 11 сарын 6, Лхагва гариг, 19:00
place Kontakt: 01726131325

35396 Gießen-Wieseck

88499 Riedlingen · 2024-09-25

local_activity Information lecture
event 2024 оны 9 сарын 25, Лхагва гариг, 19:00
place Kontakt: +49 7351 301 528,

88499 Riedlingen
person Ärztin

Last update: 24-07-25


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“Бруно Грёнингийн гайхамшигт үзэгдэл”

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