Healing from Angina Pectoris

Christa Nehm, Germany

Christa Nehm suffered from angina pectoris. Her coronary vessels were severely narrowed up to 90%, and she could not take care of her household any longer. The doctors were not able to do anything for her. Through her daughter-in-law she found her way to the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, and within a few months she was completely healthy. Today she can easily do all her household chores without any problems; she can work in the garden and go hiking in the mountains.


"O Fenômeno
Bruno Gröning"

filme exibido em muitas cidades ao redor do mundo

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler Editora: Uma grande variedade de livros, revistas, CDs, DVDs e calendários


Os cientistas com a palavra: aspectos interessantes dos Ensinamentos de Bruno Gröning