Healing from alcohol dependence (Help for others)

J. P. (67), Zgierz (Poland), about her son

For several years my son had drunk two bottles of beer daily and in addition a lot of schnapps. I don’t know the exact daily amount, but I saw that he always had little schnapps bottles with him. Talking to him didn’t help. It would help for one or two days, then he would start drinking again. I didn’t know what I should do in this regard. I also looked into "Alcoholics Anonymous". He was supposed to go there for help, but he didn’t go. His marriage only hung on by a thread. The situation was critical, and his wife was talking about divorce.

I have known the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends for some time and asked for help about what to do in this matter. One day the thought came to me to write a letter to our friend Bruno Gröning - which I did. I laid Bruno’s photo, the photo of my son and the letter - along with the request that my son become well - in a place in the house where no one would find them. After a certain period of time I myself had forgotten about it. After approximately five months I received an answer - for that is what you could call it.

I take care of my three-year-old grandson every at their house because my son and his wife are go to work. One day at 6 a.m. my son was lying in bed groaning. When I asked what had happened, he said that he hadn’t been drinking for a while - neither schnapps nor beer. Since it was very hot on that day and he didn’t find anything else, he had taken two swallows from a bottle of beer that morning. After that he didn’t feel at all well physically, and he had a fever and vomited. He wasn’t able to go to work in the morning because he was so weak and exhausted. But I didn’t say anything about Bruno Gröning and that I had asked for help in a letter. Now when he is thirsty he drinks non-carbonated mineral water. The marriage, too, has straightened itself out and is developing very well.

Doctor's comment:

The fact that after years of drinking alcohol daily, Mrs. P.s son has been free of any consumption is unusual beyond doubt and difficult to explain. For me as a physician it is very astonishing that Mr. P. although he was obviously not interested in Bruno Gröning’s teaching himself, has experienced a healing on the spiritual path.
I. S., physician


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