Healing of Tinnitus

Rolf Quint (40), Boppard (Germany)

Rolf Quint (40), Boppard, GermanyIn the spring of 1983 I received a blow to my left ear, causing such severe pain that I had to be hospitalized that same evening. An ENT specialist found that the eardrum had burst due to the blow. In addition, tinnitus had set in. I remained hospitalized for a whole week and received IV infusions. The doctor predicted that the eardrum would heal but that the ringing in my ear would remain permanently. He then prescribed two weeks of rest at home. During this time I received neither further medication nor infusions.

“Like a radio that couldn’t be turned off”

This ringing and buzzing in my ears was with me for over 14 years. I was unable to sleep through the night because the noise was louder and more disturbing at night than it was during the day. I’d be totally worn out when going to work in the morning because I slept so badly. The buzzing was also discernable during the day when it was quiet. I felt nervous and was always a bit depressed. I also had constant headaches.

A spontaneous healing

In October 1997 I got to know the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends by chance. Already during the first community hour I noticed an amplified noise in my ear while taking in the Heilstrom. I asked my friend, who was sitting next to me: “What is buzzing and ringing so loudly in my ear?” Then my ears got blocked as they do when an airplane takes off. Suddenly I felt something like a blow, there was a noise like “blubb” – and I became spontaneously free.

From one second to the next suffering that had dominated my life for 14 years disappeared. Since then I can sleep normally again; I don’t hear a ringing in my ears anymore and I am free of headaches. I am healed and full of energy and the joy of being alive.

Physician’s commentary:

Mr. Rolf Quint received a blow to his left ear which led to the development of tinnitus. This was treated with infusions according to standard medical procedure. If the condition doesn’t improve within a given period of time, treatment is discontinued and the patient is informed that he now has to come to terms with the disorder. If the tinnitus, which as in this case, has existed for more than 14 years, there is no hope for a disappearance of the disorder or for improvement. There is a Tinnitus-Support Group where affected patients can meet and support each other. It is known that patients can suffer from severe anxiety, triggered by the tinnitus, just as Mr. Quint described. The correlation between doing einstellen and absorbing the Heilstrom and the brief reaction (buzzing and ringing), as described by Mr. Quint, leads to the conclusion: the tinnitus and related anxiety were healed by taking in the Heilstrom.
Dr.H., ENT specialist


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