Healing from addiction to cannabis

P. D. (37), Traunstein (Germany)

I smoked joints from the time I was 18. In the beginning the consumption tended to be occasional, later regular. My body always showed me certain limits, and the extreme consumption would give me a sore throat. My daily dose tended to be small. I can’t say exactly how much it was in grams per day. I didn’t really try any other drugs because I was aware of the danger.

Smoking marijuana and hashish gave me a pleasant feeling of relaxation and indifference and made the day’s burden easier to bear. Through certain friends I always had the possibility of obtaining some hashish to smoke. However as a result of the years of smoking difficulty in concentration and continual tiredness began to show themselves. In addition, my smoking habit was so strong that I always had the feeling I had to have something to smoke at home. In the choice of a partner, too, I was influenced consciously or unconsciously by whether or not the relevant person also smoked joints. Because of that it was more difficult for me to get away from the drug. I regularly smoked marijuana or hashish in the form of joints for 18 years in total.

I became curious

My mother had already been in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends for many months. Since I had always been a person of faith I found it good that she was getting the divine energy there. So I became curious and was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning in October 2001.

I was fascinated by the ease of my withdrawal from this dependence

In the beginning I read the Success Reports and was enthused by the many healings. Since I was very attached to my habit and felt no physical pain as a result of it I could hardly imagine giving up smoking hashish from one day to the next. It made me very angry that I was so caught up in the dependence and my self-discipline failed. Nevertheless I firmly believed that I could be helped in this way. It was for me only a matter of time. A few days before Lent in early 2002, the thought suddenly came to me that it would be a good time to give up smoking joints. During this period it only took one drag on a friend’s joint for me to determine that the time of hashish consumption was finally over for me. Then I gave up the occasional smoking of normal filter cigarettes at work without problems on May 1, 2002. I was fascinated by the ease of my withdrawal from this dependence of 18 years’ duration through absorption of the Heilstrom and application of the teaching of Bruno Gröning.

In September 2003 after almost a year and a half without smoking I tested whether the healing was lasting by taking a drag on a joint. I felt a strong aversion and pain in my chest. That was a sign for me that I should finally write down this inner transformation and healing so that the subject would be closed for me. It took a long time for me to bring myself to do it because only very few people know about this part of my past. However I realize how important this step is and am happy that I have finally done it.

Psychologist’s comment:

Ms. D. smoked marijuana and hashish for 18 years. The consumption which was occasional in the beginning soon became regular and her dependency showed e.g. in her constantly having the feeling that she needed to have something at home to smoke. On the physical level, the accompanying symptoms – which are typical for this dependency – had already appeared: chronic tiredness and lack of concentration.

Half a year after her introduction to the teaching of Bruno Gröning, Ms. D. had the necessary determination and strength to no longer smoke any joints. The fact that Ms. D. was able to accomplish the withdrawal from this 18 year-long dependency in spring 2002 with ease – on the physical as well as the psychological level – is in my opinion closely related to putting into practice the teaching of Bruno Gröning and to the regular absorption of the Heilstrom.

Dr. J. W., psychologist


Dokumentární film:
Bruno Gröning”

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