Healings of paralysis

Healing of paralysis of all four limbs as part of early childhood brain damage

Mrs E. W. (52), Nordenham (Germany)

Due to brain damage in her early childhood, my daughter S. (26) was handicapped. She was lame in all four limbs, although the right side was worse than the left. She could only walk on the balls of her feet, which were turned inwards. Her hands were powerless. She also suffered from an overdistention of her fingers and wrists. In addition, she suffered from a pronounced spastic condition on her right side. I would often have to free her fingers again after she had sliced bread or gripped a handrail when boarding a train. Her fine motor functions were so severely impaired that she could not even do up the buttons on her jacket. Often she partially dislocated her right hip (medical diagnoses: Subluxation of clicking hip - right), she had limited movement in her right leg and could not raise her arms above her head. Due to a rounded spine which had developed, she bent forward when she walked. Physiotherapy and special healing exercises, as well as those for the handicapped, had only minimal success. The deformity of her feet (badly spread and fallen arches on both sides) necessitated specially made, extra wide shoes.

We heard about the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends in November 1989. Already after only a few days, she could use her hands normally, they were no longer weak or overdistended at the wrists. The lameness in her arms and legs simply disappeared; she can lift her arms above her head and her legs also function normally. Her spastic condition is no longer evident; she can grip normally without cramp occurring. Her hip no longer dislocates, even when she bends energetically. The deformities of her feet have also disappeared. She no longer needs special shoes and can wear narrow 'Western' boots. Her rounded spine has straightened. Six months later she learned the four basics of arithmetic.

Several specialists have conducted follow-up examinations and can find no sign of the previous severe physical disabilities. I give thanks for this healing from the bottom of my heart.


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“Бруно Грёнингийн гайхамшигт үзэгдэл”

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