Healing from (high-dosage) methadone addiction

S. K. (38), Frankfurt (Germany)

Emotionally depressed and obese, initiated by the divorce of my parents, I started to smoke hashish at the age of 17. Two years later I added the occasional use of LSD and Psylocybin as well as heroin and cocaine. After separating myself from my drug-dependent friend, I was successfully re-trained and was able to work. At the age of 28 I re-connected with my friend and became seriously addicted to heroin and cocaine. I was entered in a (high-dosage) methadone program and was supplied with 5 ml of this drug. Over a period of time my use of the drug escalated to 15 ml per day. I later acquired this drug illegally and used 30 ml daily. When I could not obtain the drug one day, I would occasionally use 40 ml the next day.

A movie on an independent TV channel about a healing from drug-addiction brought my attention the teaching of Bruno Gröning. I was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning in September of 1999.

Six months later I started to drink 15 ml of Methadone instead of injecting it. Every week I decreased the dose by 1 ml. I did not experience the typical withdrawal symptoms associated with this drug. I managed to overcome the ensuing neck and back pain without the use of painkillers. In November of 2000 I was free from this addiction. The intense desire for the stuff was gone. Since then I feel reborn, healthy, happy and full of energy.

Psychologist's commentary:

The central point of this addiction over the period of 8 years is a physical and psychological one. Through following the teaching of Bruno Gröning and taking up of the Heilstrom, Ms. K. managed, over the period of 8 months, to reduce the use of the drug from the occasional 40 ml and the daily 30 ml down to zero. She accomplished this without the aid of painkillers and without the change to another addiction or a relapse. She felt totally safe and supported. Through ambulatory therapies, consisting of several regular meetings on a weekly basis with a group of former addicts, this would not be plausible. The usual relapse occurs after one year. The community hours of Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends take place only every 3 weeks.
U. T., Psychologist


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