Healings of leg ulcer (ulcus cruris)

Healing of chronic ulcer of the lower leg

Mrs G. J., Wegberg (Germany)

From 1957 I suffered from very painful varicose veins. By 1959 a large bruise had developed on my left lower leg. Then an ulcer began to form on this spot and eventually, by 1965, it measured 10x5 cm and was constantly filled with pus. Novalgin and Valoron drops gave me some relief. Fifteen years later I became allergic to every type of ointment. I was unable to sleep through the night. The varicose veins began to sclerose. Then I developed phlebitis with a tormenting itch and surgical erysipelas. For a while my leg looked as though it would rot away.

After my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning I could at last sleep through the night again. The following morning the erysipelas had disappeared and a thin, pink skin had formed over the ulcer. Within three weeks the ulcer had fully disappeared. I had experienced spontaneous healing.

Healing of a leg ulcer

Katherina K. (76), Germany about her sister (86)

After decades of diabetes my oldest sisters’ (86) right leg had to be amputated because of an ulcer that wouldn’t heal. After about a year she developed an ulcer on her left leg. It also didn’t want to heal and it was very painful. At first, the amputation was postponed by giving her morphine. Since my Introduction in November 1998 I did einstellen for my sister without her knowledge. A short time after that, the wound healed. This is now more than three years ago.


Dokumentālā filma:
„Bruno Gröninga fenomens”

Demonstrēšanas datumi daudzās pilsētās visā pasaulē

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grētes Häusleres izdevniecība: Plaša grāmatu, žurnālu, CD, DVD un kalendāru izvēle


Izsakās zinātnieki: Interesanti aspekti no Bruno Gröninga mācības