Healing of a stiff knee

Lászlóné Bartók (59), Budapest (Ungarn)

Lászlóné Bartók (59), Budapest (Ungarn)

I first noticed in the year 2005 that I could only bend my knee about 50%. Although it caused no pain with normal movement, I was unable to squat because of the stiffness. I had already become used to it, so the ailment caused no problem in my everyday life. Therefore I didn't see a doctor.

Physical reaction during the film presentation

In October of 2009, the documentary film was shown several times in Budapest. I had helped to organize the film showings and gave the audience a short introduction before each one. During this activity, I perceived at a film showing a tingling feeling in my left leg which spread upwards. Afterward, I felt severe pain in my right knee which let up after the end of the second half of the film and stopped completely after about four days. Since that time I have been able to bend my right knee without difficulty. It has remained so until today.

Physician’s commentary:

It is medically inexplicable that stiffness of the knee and limited freedom of movement should disappear so suddenly. This healing is related to the documentary film on the life of Bruno Gröning and the absorption of the Heilstrom.
E. K., M.D.


Баримтат кино:
“Бруно Грёнингийн гайхамшигт үзэгдэл”

кино дэлхий даяар олон хотын кино театрт гарч байна

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Грете Хойслер хэвлэл: Ном, сэтгүүл, CD, DVD, хуанлийн өргөн сонголт бий


Эрдэмтэд үг хэлж байна: Бруно Грёнингийн сургаалийн талаарх сонирхолтой үзэл баримтлалууд