Press office

Information and contacts for journalists

Press file of the Bruno Gröning Circle of FriendsPress file of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends


To all journalists,

In our press file there is basic information about Bruno Gröning, the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, the affiliated Medical Scientifc Group (MWF) and the documentary film The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning - On the tracks of the Miracle healer.

The press pictures can be used for publication. We are also happy to provide further material on demand, e.g. press reports, film material, and music.

You also have the possibility of putting down your name in the distribution list for the information journal Bruno Gröning. Thus four times a year you will receive a free copy of topical information about the life and teaching of Bruno Gröning as well as the Circle of Friends.

For queries please contact the international press office:
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Documentary film:
„The Phenomenon
Bruno Gröning”

Screening dates in many cities worldwide

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler Publishing House: A large selection of books, magazines, CD's, DVD's and calendars


Scientists have their say: Interesting aspects
of the teaching of Bruno Gröning