1001 Way

Bruno Gröning in the Diaries of Young People

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"Young people these days, on the quest for meaning: So many clever heads wanted to do the thinking for us; hundreds of fingers wanted to point out the way; a thousand ways are open to us. But no, there is the 1001st way."
(Christoph Pesch)

We wrote this book to document the difficulties and questions and help and miracles that we as children of this day and age experienced.

What these hundred fates reveal on more than 400 pages couldn’t be told in fewer words. A lot happened which mustn’t be forgotten. Looking away can no longer be the dictum, as too many people of all ages are still living caught in real difficulty. They are not helped by theories and experiments. They can obtain help here through the experiences of people who have made their way through the swamp and now have solid ground under their feet.

Extract 1 (PDF)
Extract 2 (PDF)

You can obtain the complete book from:
Grete Häusler GmbH-Verlag
400 pages, hardcover, 21.0x 30.0 cm ISBN 978-3-86769-085-0


纪录片 纪录片:
「Bruno Gröning的现象」



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科学家有话要说: Bruno Gröning的教诲中富趣味性的层面