
Healing from Alcoholism

U.H. (33), Freising, Germany

U.H. began to drink alcohol when he was 17 years old. In the beginning, his consumption was very small, but later it became excessive. He regularly drank 10-15 bottles of beer daily, which almost resulted in the end of his relationship. Through his partner he came to the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. A few months later he was freed from the addiction. With the healing, a completely new life started for him.

Healing from Alcoholism

G.F. (39), Cologne, Germany

G.F. began to drink beer when he was 15. By the time he was 20, he was drinking 20 bottles of beer a day. If he drank less than eight bottles of beer in the evening, he experienced withdrawal symptoms in the form of itching, nervousness and insomnia. Through a colleague he learned about Bruno Gröning. After absorbing the healing power for more than a year, he was able to stop drinking alcohol from one day to the next without any withdrawal symptoms.


John Leiker, 美國

John Leiker是名酒徒已經35年,每天豪飲17瓶啤酒,患上嚴重抑鬱病,曾經兩次嘗試結束生命,情況已是無可救藥。在一個關於Bruno Gröning的講座上,他的酗酒問題得到自發而持久的療癒;6個月後,他感到一股强勁力量從雙腿向上流到頭部,自此,所有的精神健康問題一去不返。


「Bruno Gröning



格蕾特.霍斯納出版樓:大量不同種類的書籍、雜誌、鐳射唱片(CD) 、數碼影碟(DVD) 和月曆


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