
Healing of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Mrs R. J. (31), Cologne (Germany)

From the age of 16 I was tormented both day and night by stomach pains, caused by recurring duodenal ulcers and infections of the mucous membrane. Every six months I had a gastroscopy which nearly always gave the same result. Weeks of rolling therapy* (see footnote on previous page) relieved the pains but stress, insufficient sleep, fatty, acidic or gas-forming foods stimulated my problems again. For the last 5 to 6 years I received strong blocking drugs to reduce stomach acids. First Tagamet, to which I was allergic, then Zantac, which made my hair fall out, but did not cure me. So I continued to suffer from stomach-pains which could only be eased by medication. Often I also had heartburn.

I came to Bruno Gröning's teachings in May 1988. A few weeks later I stopped taking the tablets because I was so much better, and since September 1988 I have been free from pain. To date this has remained so.

Healing of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Mr F. D. (41), Meschede (Germany)

From the age of 16 I had almost continuous stomach-ache. It was most intense in spring and autumn. From a medical viewpoint, a chronic gastric and duodenal ulcer was diagnosed. I dragged myself from one day to the next on a diet of painkillers and stomach tablets. The pain would often wake me at night. During my first stay in hospital, at the age of 20, I had to undergo rolling therapy* which brought no relief. Some days I took up to 50 tablets of an aluminium hydroxide gel (Compensan) at once, to deaden the pain for a while. After several stays in hospital, and because the tablets brought no permanent cure, the recommendation was to remove most of my stomach. I made one more attempt to solve my problem without an operation, but it was to no avail.

After my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in October 1988, I felt a strong tingling. It was as if I had stood under a shower and the water had washed my pain away. From this moment I had no further pain. An X-ray showed that the ulcers were gone. They have not recurred. After decades I am now completely free from pain.


「Bruno Gröning



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