
在Bruno Gröning朋友會內,數以千計的幫助和療癒實例,自1992年醫學科學小組成立以後被記錄在案。由於新的療癒實例在世界各地經常出現,為我們的檔案不斷添加新的報告,而新的療癒實例亦會被不時上載到網站。以下是小量特選的生理疾病的療癒實例。


Heilung nach Holzschutzmittelvergiftung (MCS-Syndrom)

Adeline Weiß, Deutschland

Familie Weiß war durch eine schwere Holzschutzmittelvergiftung erkrankt. 12 Jahre lebte Adeline Weiß mit ihrer Familie in einem durch Holzschutzmittel verseuchten Haus. Dann mussten sie es auf Anraten des Gesundheitsamtes verlassen. Doch die Katastrophe war bereits geschehen. Die ganze Familie war krank: Schädigung durch Chemikalien. Nachdem Familie Weiß den Bruno Gröning-Freundeskreis kennen gelernt hatte, verschwanden innerhalb von wenigen Monaten sämtliche Symptome, und die ganze Familie wurde vollkommen gesund.


Pawel Schemet,俄羅斯

在切爾諾貝利核電廠在1986年爆炸後,Pavet Schemet是清理團隊的一名成員,那次災難是歷史上只有兩次被分類為國際核能事故第七級的第一次(另一次是福島第一核電廠的災難),Pavel Schemet暴露於過量輻射之下,結果嚴重輻射中毒,經過7年繁多的醫療程序和治療後,於1993年尾離開醫院,返家等待死神降臨。之後,他和妻子找到Bruno Gröning朋友會,而在隨後的多個月後,所有的健康問題消失,從1994年中開始,醫生證明他的身體已經完全健康。

肌痛性腦脊髓炎 — 慢性疲勞綜合症的療癒

Anneke Hagen,荷蘭

Anneke Hagen從1988年至1995年罹患肌痛性腦脊髓炎/慢性疲勞綜合症,喪失活動能力的程度達80%至100%,最近兩年,她只可以臥在床上和坐在輪椅裡。她在1995年認識Bruno Gröning朋友會,定期吸收靈性的療癒力量,5個月後康復。

Healing from Angina Pectoris

Christa Nehm, Germany

Christa Nehm suffered from angina pectoris. Her coronary vessels were severely narrowed up to 90%, and she could not take care of her household any longer. The doctors were not able to do anything for her. Through her daughter-in-law she found her way to the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, and within a few months she was completely healthy. Today she can easily do all her household chores without any problems; she can work in the garden and go hiking in the mountains.

Healing from a Hemiparesis after Stroke

Nikolai Gontschar, Russia

Following a stroke, Nikolai I. Gontschar’s right side was paralyzed and his speech impaired. Despite being hospitalized, he suffered further strokes, and lost his ability to speak completely. He was then diagnosed with lung cancer. After the operation, the wound did not heal and remained open and unhealed for five years. After a while even morphine didn’t relieve the unbearable pain. In this hopeless condition he found the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends and from then on started to improve day by day. The wound healed, and today he can speak and walk again.

Healing from Osteoporosis

Gertraud Fischer, Germany

Gertraud Fischer suffered from advanced osteoporosis, which is considered incurable by conventional medicine. Her bone density was reduced well below normal. She developed a thrombosis after taking the prescribed medication and so treatment was discontinued. The osteoporosis got worse until she found the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. Within months, the pain disappeared and her bone density increased to within normal limits. Today Mrs Fischer is completely healthy.

Healing from Scheuermann’s Disease

Elsbeth Mathys, Switzerland

Elsbeth Mathys suffered from back pain since she was 12 years old. The diagnosis was Scheuermann’s disease. During an introductory lecture to the teaching of Bruno Gröning, she was spontaneously healed and went home free of pain. A week later she had back pain for one day, but never again since.


「Bruno Gröning



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