Voices of the Youth

What young people in the Circle of Friends say

Voices of the youth - G. B."The teaching of Bruno Gröning is part of my life ‒ the best part. It is good for everything in any moment. It can help in every situation, whether at school, or in my interactions with people, and also in personal matters that concern only me. I can hardly remember a time when I didn’t know about the teaching of Bruno Gröning and am glad that I learned about it when I was young. Doubt can appear at any time, but I have checked it, and I am convinced that this teaching is the truth, that there is a God who loves all people ‘regardless of their religion or nation or skin color’ (quote from Bruno Gröning ) and that He always helps us when we ask for help. I can no longer imagine a life without all the good, and I don't want to, either."

G. B.

Voices of the youth - R. F."I am in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends because his teaching really enriches my life. By taking in the heilstrom I have received a lot of help in my everyday life. It is so valuable, to be able to help other people by sharing this teaching."

R. F.

bv„Liebe Interessierte, liebe Hilfesuchende,
schwerst belastet von Depressionen, Schlafstörungen und Angstzuständen, welche durch den Konsum von Drogen ausgelöst wurden, bin ich in den Freundeskreis gekommen. Dort durfte ich die vollkommene Heilung erleben und ein neues Leben finden. Freundschaften, die nicht nur auf Oberflächlichkeit abgestimmt sind, Lebensfreude, Liebe und Glück.

Die Lehre Bruno Grönings ließ mich erkennen, dass die Krankheit ein Mangel der göttlichen Kraft ist und ein Bestehen an Unordnung im Leben. Die Gründerin des Freundeskreises, Frau Grete Häusler, welche Bruno Gröning zu seinen Lebzeiten begleitet hatte, lässt uns wissen: 'Bruno Gröning wusste etwas, was die ganze Wissenschaft bis heute noch nicht weiß. Er wusste, woher die Krankheit kommt, was die Kranheit ist und wie man sie beseitigen kann.

Ich kann jedem nur zurufen: Gebt die Hoffnung auf ein besseres und erfüllteres Leben nicht auf und glaubt an die Hilfe und Heilung.“

B. V.

Voices of the youth - N. C."Through the teaching of Bruno Gröning I have realized what life means to me, and I feel happy again. The saying that everyone can improve the world a little with their own life has become tangible for me. Love life and live love – those are the basic principles on which I want to build my life."

N. C.

Voices of the youth - V. L."In the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends I have found my home, healing, and friends for life. I have learned to love life."

V. L.

Voices of the youth - M. G."By following the teaching of Bruno Gröning I can find answers to my questions and joyfully look to the future. I myself have experienced a lot of help and healing through the teaching of Bruno Gröning and have made friends from various countries. I am in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends because I know that no matter what situation I find myself in, there are always friends at my side to count on. It is so nice to have each other, help other, and together do a lot of good."

M. G.

Voices of the youth - L. S."I have been in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends since the age of 24. From the time I was a child, I was aware that God exists, but only through by doing einstellen and taking in the Heilstrom every day was I able to actively experience God. Bruno Gröning said that einstellen connects us directly to God, and if we are totally present, we can feel God. We have to realize that this life we have here on Earth is more precious than gold. Feeling how the Heilstrom flows through my body fulfills me every time."

L. S.

Voices of the youth - A. P."Since I began to consciously follow the teaching of Bruno Gröning, my life has undergone a fundamental change. Before, I had no idea what to do with my life, I had absolutely no wishes or ideas. I was easily irritated and jealous. I was also shy, and I just wanted to be left in peace. Now my life is filled with meaning and joy. I know what I’m here for. I have plans and goals, I’ve gotten a wonderful job, and interesting hobbies, activities, and friendships. The teaching of Bruno Gröning has brought meaning into my life and enriched it."

A. P.

Voices of the youth - L. W."With the teaching of Bruno Gröning many things in my life have taken a good turn. To be able to apply the teaching and share it with like-minded people my own age is wonderful. I'm happy that I got to know about the teaching of Bruno Gröning."

L.-K. W.

Voices of the youth - J. A."The teaching of Bruno Gröning ‒ which I found out about when I was 18 ‒ lets me realize meaning in my life, and now I am filled with love and enthusiasm for life. The Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends gives me strength and support in my everyday life and I have found real friends here, who enrich my life."

J. A.

Voices of the youth - T. S."Through the teaching of Bruno Gröning, my life has become more rich and varied. I live more intensely and am simply very happy, so happy that I am simply amazed by it myself.""

T. S.

Voices of the youth - A. B."For me, the teaching of Bruno Gröning is like an instruction manual for living a healthy and happy life."

A. B.


Dokumentālā filma:
„Bruno Gröninga fenomens”

Demonstrēšanas datumi daudzās pilsētās visā pasaulē

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grētes Häusleres izdevniecība: Plaša grāmatu, žurnālu, CD, DVD un kalendāru izvēle


Izsakās zinātnieki: Interesanti aspekti no Bruno Gröninga mācības