Healing from polyneuropathy

Heike Noack (38), Berlin (Germany)

Heike Noack (38), Berlin (Deutschland)Since 1988, when I was 23 years old, I suffered more and more frequently from nausea, dizziness, vertigo and exhaustion. In spite of medication (Rökan), there was no lasting improvement. My condition worsened significantly in 1992. Cramping pain occurred sporadically in my arms and legs, especially after any effort. I suffered from increasing disorientation, mostly after getting up or in the dark, and sweat attacks. Sometimes everything went black before my eyes.

In time, I could no longer manage my household and often missed work as the pain and exhaustion were too great. I couldn’t even go shopping without help. This caused me to get depressed. But in spite of it all, I closed myself off to the illness and refused to accept it. Aside from my family, nobody really knew how I really was. Some inner feeling made me forbid them to speak with anyone about it.

Retired at 30

During a hospital stay in the spring of 1992, polyneuropathy was diagnosed. None of the therapies tried had any affect. Neither did a treatment by a healing practitioner, or a subsequent treatment in a rehabilitation center, so I finally applied for early retirement in 1993, which was granted me at 30 years of age (!). When I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning in the fall of 1994, hope sprung up in me again, as I was out-therapied, but had never really accepted the illness.

The turning point occurs

Within one year I was able to go shopping again and manage my household by myself. I regularly did Einstellen to receive the healing power and believed in my healing. During a holiday in Neuschwanstein, I could walk by foot for long stretches and my condition improved steadily. Since 1997 I am the happy mother of a healthy little daughter. I can meet all the requirements of every day, take care of my family by myself, including household and garden.

Joy in physical work

Four years after my introduction into the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I reversed my retirement and after taking one year of training I have been working professionally again since 2000. All symptoms of the illness have completely disappeared.

During the fall of 2002 we had to dig a waste water ditch in our garden, ca. 1.50m (4 1/2 ft) deep by 0.60m (2 ft) wide. I helped vigorously and even enjoyed it. What I had intuitively sensed before joining the Circle of Friends, I found confirmed in the teachings of Bruno Gröning: illness is not part of us humans!

Medical commentary:

Ms. Noack describes vividly and provably the symptoms of neuropathy that had persisted since 1988 and led her to numerous medical consultations. This diagnosis was confirmed during many examinations, both as outpatient and in hospital.

None of the medical therapies could help her. This makes it all the more remarkable that Ms. Noack experienced such improvement after receiving the Heilstrom, so that she reported her complete recovery three years later.

Polyneuropathy is the general expression for systemic, inflammatory and degenerative illness of the peripheral nerves or parts of nerves. The causes vary. No cause could be found in her case. The focus of discussions centered on a bacterial infection (Chlamydia infection) and an inflammation of the vascular system (vasculitis).

All cases of polyneuropathy follow a chronic course with increasing deterioration of various extent. I never heard of such a case of healing and freedom from symptoms in orthodox medicine. This moves me to assume that the full healing could only follow the intake of the healing power such as Ms. Noack describes it.

B. S., M.D., specialist family medicine


Bruno Gröning”

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Grete Häusler-Verlag

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