

医学纪录医学科学小组(MWF)的工作其中一项重要环节就是有系统地收集和查证疗愈实例,这些疗愈是在灵性途径上藉着应用Bruno Gröning 的教诲而成就的,Bruno Gröning 朋友会的朋友们,自身得到疗愈,也具备尊业知识记录这些疗愈实例,让在朋友会内建立国际网络以记录疗愈实例变得可能。





The Medical Scientific Group (MWF)

An international forum of health care professionals

MWF Since its founding in 1992, the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) has become a unique forum for thousands of doctors, psychologists and other persons working in medical professions worldwide to discuss and analyze the phenomenon of spiritual healing. Many of them were looking for help for themselves or their patients and have found the teaching of Bruno Gröning an effective supplement to their knowledge of orthodox or alternative schools of medicine.

Through publications, lectures and medical conferences, they want to educate and enlighten, showing the connection between healing and health and the phenomenon of a healing on the spiritual path. First and foremost is the medical verification of the success reports and—as far as possible—corresponding documentation with the relevant pre and post findings.

The committed professionals of the MWF volunteer their time in gratitude for healings that they have experienced themselves, or witnessed in others. Their wish is to provide a scientific basis for healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning, making this path to healing accessible to as many help-seeking people as possible, and to fellow members of the healthcare professions.



纪录片 纪录片:
「Bruno Gröning的现象」



格蕾特.霍斯纳出版楼:: 大量不同种类的书籍、杂志、激光唱片(CD) 、数码影碟(DVD) 和月历


科学家有话要说: Bruno Gröning的教诲中富趣味性的层面