Eye witness Mrs. Anni Ebner von Eschenbach

"As though the physician had to get used to seeing his wife healthy again"

Bruno Gröning umringt von MenschenFor some time during the years 1950-51, Bruno Gröning held lectures in the Weikersheim boarding house in Graefelfing. Anni Ebner von Eschenbach had attended some of these lectures and recorded several events in writing. Here is an example:

"Once a young woman was wheeled in in a wheel-chair, her face white as snow. During the lecture she lost consciousness and looked as though she was dead. Bruno Gröning gave her a short glance and calmed down the attendees who were distressed, particularly her husband at her side.

After barely half an hour she woke up, stretched and, rosy-cheeked, got out of the wheel-chair and went towards Gröning. She still walked a little unsteadily, but with shining eyes, radiant with happiness and astonishment.

‘It is nice, dear lady, when one can stand again on one’s own feet and when one’s little heart is beating normally again! But don’t make up for the lost years all at once – guide the body slowly back to doing its duties.’

As the woman wanted to thank Gröning, he stated, ‘Thank God! I am only his little helper; prove now, that you are a true child of God!’

The man who had brought her in stood up and said in an emotional voice, ‘Mr. Gröning, I am her husband and a doctor. For me, my wife was incurable, even though I had tried everything. She still had only one wish: to visit you. I was convinced that she would die on the journey here, for her heart had been so severely burdened, that every movement could threaten her life. I am shaken by this miracle and can hardly believe it!’

Crying with joy, he wheeled the empty wheel-chair out of the room and took a seat with his wife, as they participated in the following two-hour lecture. He glanced often at his wife, as though he had to get used to seeing his wife healthy and happy again."


Баримтат кино:
“Бруно Грёнингийн гайхамшигт үзэгдэл”

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Grete Häusler-Verlag

Грете Хойслер хэвлэл: Ном, сэтгүүл, CD, DVD, хуанлийн өргөн сонголт бий


Эрдэмтэд үг хэлж байна: Бруно Грёнингийн сургаалийн талаарх сонирхолтой үзэл баримтлалууд