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Books about Bruno Gröning

Introduction of a small selection from the Grete Häusler Publishing House

en buch revolution medizin 170px

Bruno Gröning - A Revolution in Medicine

Rehabilitation of a man who was misunderstood. A medical documentation about healing on the spiritual path.

Dr. med. M. Kamp

In the fifties, the healings that occurred through Bruno Gröning kindled the feelings of millions. He died in 1959, but even today his words, “There is nothing incurable, God is the greatest physician”, are still proving their validity through medically documented healings. At the present time, thousands of people continue to experience help and healing through his teaching. The author - a medical doctor by profession - has personally verified many healings. Through many years of research into the effect of Bruno Gröning’s work, he has come to recognize in it a “Revolution in Medicine”.

Reading sample in original layout (30 pages)

Order book online from Grete Häusler Publishing House

en buch die wahrheit 170px“Only the Truth Endures”

Bruno Gröning and his Circle of Friends. References from back then and today

Thomas Eich (Editor)

This writing is meant as a reference book, a collection of writings from those who wrote positive articles, books, and editorials about Bruno Gröning, as well as those individuals around the world who voiced testimony to theworking of Bruno Gröning and honored him. The collection is rounded off with letters of petition written to Bruno Gröning from doctors in the year 1949, as well as healing reports from back then and the opinions of doctors today and current success reports.

Reading sample in original layout (30 pages)

Order book online from Grete Häusler Publishing House

en buch das wirken 170pxThe Work of Bruno Gröning

during his Lifetime and Today

Thomas Eich

This extensive book about Bruno Gröning’s work covers the events around him - his life, his teaching, and the controversies around his person. It also deals with what is happening today: the organization and structure of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, the meaning and purpose of the communities, and the success reports.

Reading sample in original layout (30 pages)

Order book online from Grete Häusler Publishing House

en buch ich lebe 170pxBruno Gröning: “I Live so that Mankind Will Continue to Live”

Grete Häusler / Thomas Eich

This short biography of Bruno Gröning illustrates the most memorable stages of his life: the mass onslaught of the sick in 1949, the unbelievable healings, but also the obstacles and adversarial forces, the money makers who plagued him, and the healing ban that dogged him. The reader is shown what Bruno Gröning took upon himself to make the path to God free for all humankind, and to make it possible for suffering human beings to go on living.


Reading sample in original layout (30 pages)

Order book online from Grete Häusler Publishing House


Current events in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends – 6 x per year by e-mail

The free Newsletter informs you by e-mail about current events in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, about new editions of books, films, and CDs by the Grete Häusler Publishing House, about impressive events in Bruno Gröning's life, reports from his contemporaries, and medically documented healings of today.

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Journal Bruno Gröning

The information journal of the Circle of Friends – 4 x a year online

In order to make the life and teaching of Bruno Gröning more accessible for those who are interested, and to give information about the numerous activities and world wide development of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, the Grete Häusler publishing company has issued the journal Bruno Gröning since 1997. It is published four times a year and contains reports, background reports, eyewitness reports from the past, as well as medically documented healings from modern times.


Here you can view some issues of the journal:


Dokumentālā filma:
„Bruno Gröninga fenomens”

Demonstrēšanas datumi daudzās pilsētās visā pasaulē

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grētes Häusleres izdevniecība: Plaša grāmatu, žurnālu, CD, DVD un kalendāru izvēle


Izsakās zinātnieki: Interesanti aspekti no Bruno Gröninga mācības