Healing of multiple sclerosis

Mrs M. M. (33), Stuttgart (Germany)

During the course of the summer of 1987, I developed a feeling of numbness in my feet and lower abdomen. I could no longer experience any 'true' physical sensation there and the slightest touch caused me sharp pain. Walking caused me great uncertainty and my equilibrium was disrupted. I had severe pain, particularly in my left leg. I also developed abnormal sensations in my legs. In addition my vision was impaired: a 5 cm wide black band clouded the vision of my right eye. When I woke up one morning at the beginning of October with lumbago-type pains, nausea and weakness, I finally went to the neurologist recommended by my doctor. He arranged a liquor examination in hospital which confirmed that I had encephalomyelitis disseminata (multiple sclerosis). Despite cortisone, it was over three months before my condition improved. A second attack in February 1989 left me confined to bed for a period of time, a feeling of numbness throughout my whole body and apparent paralysis in both legs. My lower abdomen was so numb that I could not gauge when I had to go to the toilet. After the third attack in May 1990 the paralysis was so intense that with minute steps I could only walk a few meters. Each attack lasted about three months and every time I was given cortisone which slowly was reduced afterwards. Between attacks I was unsteady on my feet, weak, suffered peculiar feelings and pains in my legs, and always tired rapidly. The stripes before my eyes appeared spasmodically.

About three months after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in July 1990, my strength was suddenly back in my legs and they felt quite normal. Now and again the unusual feelings returned along with pulsation in my legs and the black stripe before my eyes. During the summer of 1991 there was a three-month period when, on occasions, I could neither write nor speak and the whole right side of my body felt non-existent. Then, suddenly a rapid improvement set in and since October 1991 I have been completely free from all my previous symptoms.


Phim tài liệu:
“Hiện tượng
Bruno Gröning”

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Grete Häusler-Verlag

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